Biomimetic Dendrimers and Photonic Laboratory

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Jose Juan Reina

Jose Juan Reina

Position"Beatriz Galindo" Distinguished Researcher


Telephone +34 952 132 023 (University)
Telephone +34 952 367 647 (Bionand)

Fax +34 952 133 433 (University)
Fax +34 952 367 610 (Bionand)

José received a PhD at University of Seville-CSIC in 2008 under the supervision of Dr. Javier Rojo. He performed a post-doc in the University of Milan as a Curie fellow in the Prof. Bernardi group 2009-2012. After that, he joined the Glycosystems Laboratory at Seville as a JAE-Doc researcher (2013-2016). From 2016-2019 he moved to the University of Santiago de Compostela to work in an ERC-Starting Grant Project (DYNAP) as Research Associate in Dr. Montenegro group. He is currently working in the Organic Chemistry Department of the University of Málaga as “Beatriz Galindo” Distinguished Researcher.

Research Interests:
- Complex Oligosaccharides and glycomimetics
- Multivalent Carbohydrates Systems
- NIR Fluorophores
- Carbohydrates and Glycomimetic in pathogen infection, immunity and cancer